[FF14] July 14 announcement Fashion Report "Marondo investigator" 100 points, gold evaluation equipment

Notes about English pages
The English page is a simple machine translation of Japanese.

Fashion Report

“Garondo’s investigator” 100 points, gold evaluation equipment (‘, ω, ‘)

No job restrictions this week (‘·ω·’)

The combination is necessary according to the torso or leg equipment, but it is easy if you take the leg equipment at the beginning (·ω ·)

If you make moccasin or buy it at Makebo and prepare a store sale chalker, 80 points!(”*)

If poetics are left over, there is also a store sale choker after replacing the torso!(‘,ω·’)



Investigator of Garondo

Period of event

July 21, 2020 – July 21, 2020

  • Announced every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.
  • Every Friday at 17:00

Gold evaluation and 100 points evaluation equipment

SiteSite themeEquipped with
TorsoGarondoGarondo Caster David G
arrondo Healer Ro
be Garrond Ranger Course
Litgerrond Striker Cur
iller Slorlond Defender
Armor Garlond Slayer C
uriller Rondo Scout Li
ttgarrond Gazarawga
rrond Klafterro apron
LegBanditsDruidher Bleach
Druidwich Bleach
ward chaser bleac
h ward hunter bl
each ward warrior
bleach wardr ble
ach raider bleach
Boa Mochas
in Wolf Mocc
asin Hippochph Mo
kasin New World Mocha
sin Expedition Mochasi
n Prandado Mocacin
NeckBlue Bright StoneLapis Lazu Lic
hoker Wolf Turquo
ise Choker Azlite H
ealer Choker Azlite
Ranger Azlight Atta
cker Azlight Liquor
Azlight Defender Atheri
al Lapis Lazu Lichoker
Hiaragan Healer Choker


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